Wordly Blog

Insights, tips and ideas

The Ultimate Guide To Establishing a Corporate Communication Plan

Communicating – it’s something that we’re all well-versed in. But, there’s a gaping chasm between inciting mindless yarning versus thought-out conversations. Ever been cornered on a night out by that mate who’s had one too many drinks and has made it their personal mission to rally you to overthrow the patriarchy? Their heart is in

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The Best Content For Each Social Media Platform

No longer is it a hobby relegated to the brunch-snapping millennials – social media is now a crucial tool in the digital marketing arsenal. And here is why: social media opens an incomparable channel of connection between you and your customers. A company social profile allows your business to enhance brand awareness, establish authority and

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PR Like a Pro: Pitching Your Product

Have you got an incredible product, service or story on your hands, but no idea how to share it with the masses? Ah, welcome to the wonderful world of Public Relations (PR). While you may have put in the hard yards prepping your next big product launch, it can quickly unravel if you’re unable to

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What is SEO?

SEO, SMO, CTA, SEM… IDK?! Crikey, it seems like there’s a new acronym popping up around every bend in the digital sphere. But by far the buzziest word on every digital marketer’s lips is ‘SEO’. Namely because it has the power to make or break your company’s online visibility. So, what is SEO? Short for

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What are Internet Cookies?

We could start this off with a sub-par pun about a certain choc chip indulgence, but we like to credit ourselves with a little more class than that. Unfortunately, the cookie in question today is far less thrilling than its doughy counterpart. It does, however, play a pretty important role in understanding your online audience

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The Best Apps to Make Graphic Design a Breeze

If you’re fresh on the graphic design scene, chances are you’re feeling a little in over your head. The process of graphic design is more complex than you may have initially realised – which would explain why there are entire university degrees dedicated to mastering it. That’s not to say you need a bachelor’s degree

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The SEO Blacklist – What to Avoid in Your Online Copy

Nailing the ever-evolving SEO copywriting best practice can be likened to navigating a minefield. One innocent misstep and you’ll watch your rankings plummet in an instant. It doesn’t help that Google seems to be constantly shifting the goal posts with their search algorithm. Practices that were once considered crucial for SEO have become redundant, and

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Social Media Trends to Watch in 2021

After the chaos of a year spent confined to our homes and cut-off from physical socialisation – what has 2020 done for the way we’re set to interact in 2021? Lockdowns, working from home and restrictions saw a shift in the way we develop and maintain our connections. While we may finally be emerging out

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