Wordly Blog

Insights, tips and ideas

A Beginner’s Guide to Keyword Research: Finding Keywords

Before you dive into Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), you’ll need a basis to build that strategy on, which is where keyword research enters. Thanks to some handy apps and a bit of creativity, keyword research can actually be quite a fun process. Or maybe our inner nerd is busting out again? Regardless, if you have

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An Introduction to Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing

You may have heard of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising as a one way ticket to the top of Google’s search results? Or perhaps it’s yet another digital marketing acronym you’ve punted into the ‘too tricky’ basket. Either way, if you have a company – and want to increase its online lead generation – then PPC is

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Common Website Design Mistakes to Avoid

Website design is one of those things that quickly can drive you to the point of keyboard smashing, tear-fighting frustration. There are so many boxes to tick, codes to memorise and SEO crimes to avoid. It doesn’t help that Google’s bots feel strangely akin to that intimidating mother-in-law who remains unimpressed by every heartfelt attempt

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How to Use Scheduling Apps to Up Your Social Media Game

Did you know the optimal posting frequency to keep your company relevant on social media is between 3 – 7 times per week. Multiply that by each platform and the time required to create a scintillating post, and you’ve got a full time job on your hands. And quite frankly, who’s got the time to

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How to Choose the Right Hosting Platform for Your Website

Ready to launch yourself onto the vast planes of the online world with your own website? It’s an exhilarating experience getting to notch out your own little corner of the internet. Whether you’re establishing a marketplace for frog-centric collectibles or kickstarting your blogging escapades, it’s important to ensure your website is optimised for your unique

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Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Marketing Persona

Could you describe your key customer base down to their preferred coffee order? What if we told you this was the secret ingredient to cut-through marketing? Okay – we aren’t suggesting the key to a killer marketing plan is to undertake a mass stalking expedition.  But there is value to be gleaned from having an

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How to Establish a Brand Voice

Have you ever thought about how your written voice portrays your company? The right voice can take you from a jargon-riddled minefield of nonsense to a relatable and engaging channel of communication with your customers. I mean, why say you have ‘an uncompromising ambition to execute an exemplary written expression portfolio to engage your academic

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Why You Need to be Blogging Regularly

If you’re unfamiliar with blogging, the term probably invokes the image of Carrie Bradshaw prattling away behind her keyboard about the mundane events of her life. Since it’s birth in the early ‘90’s, blogging has found it hard to shake the outdated connotations attached to it. So, we’re making it our mission to give blogging

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A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Analytics

Could your social media posting be best described as a finger-crossed, willy-nilly firing of content into the online abyss? We get it, it’s a wild world out there full of the insta-afluent and social media icons. But what if we told you that their success is leveraged off a tool that you too have access

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