The Top 8 Digital Marketing Apps You Need in Your Arsenal

Ever caught yourself in the midst of a tedious task, desperately wishing you could fast-track it with the click of a button?

Well, you probably can.

Technology is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to the digital marketing world, and boy has it come through with the goods this time around.

It’s never been easier to streamline tasks, track performance, and elevate your content offering. Heck – there’s even an app to unmask who’s having a cheeky stalk of your Instagram.

So impressive are these shiny, magic machines, that it can be easy to get lost in the wonderland of options at your disposal.

We wrangled the Wordly wizards away from their missions to give you the inside scoop on the best digital marketing apps to add to your toolkit.

Here they are…

Project Management Apps

Project management apps are like a virtual personal assistant. Also referred to as workflow apps, these programs help organise, prioritise and automate your day-to-day functions. Think deadline setting, task assigning, data visualisation and team collaboration.

Is that not a buzzword-drenched marketing dream?

Here are our go-to workflow managing, digital marketing apps.


The term ‘Monday’ normally evokes bleak despair, but this little app will have you grinning in glee at its innovation.

The beauty of Monday is that it is as helpful as it is usable. It contains everything you need to create a streamlined, collaborative workflow while being simple enough that anyone can jump in and get straight to work.


  • Highly visual – colour coding, customisable templates, Kanban view, calendar view, map view, timeline view
  • Easy to use
  • Mobile compatibility
  • Task assignment – gives employees control over their own workflows
  • Great for collaboration


Trello operates much the same as Monday, but on a more basic scale. It’s more like a visual organiser for various tasks. Although it’s not quite as sparkly, it still packs a punch when it comes to the satisfaction and convenience it provides.

Trello is a great pick for smaller workloads and is particularly useful in content creation. You can create cards for each task and assign them to individuals with deadlines and attachments.


Buffer is the reigning goddess of social media management. Trust us.

This app incorporates just about every process imaginable to execute a glorious social campaign. From planning and scheduling, through to live engagement and tracking analytics – Buffer funnels it into a single dashboard. 


Although we’re still drooling over Buffer’s competencies, Hootsuite comes in as a close second for its brilliance on the socials. As one of the original social media management platforms, it’s built deep-rooted partnerships with just about every major social network.

The best part is that, on top of social platforms, it can integrate with the programs you use each day, including Salesforce, Adobe and Marketo. 

Of course, if you’re keen to hone your social media process into a seamless system, we suggest taking a look at our full run down on social media management apps.

Content Creation

Now let’s get those creative juices flowing with some killer content platforms. Whether you’re a graphics guru or a complete digital dud, these digital marketing apps will actualise your content vision in spectacular fashion.


Okay, so we harp on about Canva at the mere whisper of design. But we simply can not say enough good things about this miracle tool.

It’s basically an all-encompassing design tool optimised for social media graphics. It also does a tonne of other creative wonders, including presentations, posters, logos and brochures.

Why is it a must?

  • It’s chock full of templates that makes creating quick and easy
  • You can present data in engaging formats, in your own branding
  • SUPER user-friendly


The mantra on every social-nut’s lips at the moment – video is killing the game. It absolutely obliterates the engagement rate of any other content type. And thanks to Vimeo, it’s actually quite easy to produce.

Vimeo is the ultimate platform to create, manage, and share high-quality videos. It has simple video editing tools to bang out clips, or you can farm the work out to one of their professionals. The app also integrates with websites and socials for streamlined uploads. 


If you aren’t email marketing, here’s one reason to start. Compared to socials where engagement rate rarely cracks 0.6%, emails have an average open rate of 22.86% and click-through rate of 3.71%.

Mail Chimp is the bee’s knees of EDMs. It’s a comprehensive marketing platform that helps you manage and communicate with your database of clients and customers.

With Mail Chimp, you’re able to create visually engaging marketing campaigns using building-block templates. It’ll then allow you ping this off to a large database of addresses while tracking metrics such as open rates, click throughs and unsubscribes.

Analytics & Metrics

Google Analytics

We couldn’t possibly wrap this without thrusting Google Analytics into the spotlight. Afterall, what good is a finessed marketing approach if you have no way to measure its impact and performance?

The program tracks user activity on your website, including who is clicking on your content, how they got there, how long they are staying, and where they are leaving. It’ll then spit out some super insightful reports on your website’s performance, your target audiences, and your overall digital marketing effort.

If only there was a single app that did all of the above, right? Well, that’s us! We’re like the perfect amalgamation of everything we’ve explored above. Keen to hear more about our all-encompassing marketing miracles? Let’s have a chat.

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