Wordly Blog

Insights, tips and ideas

Is It Hard To Set Up A Website Yourself? What To Expect

The thing that no one mentions about starting out in the business world is that it requires a whole lot of winging it. So, when it comes to creating a website for your company, just how difficult is it to ‘wing’? Unfortunately, even in 2022, setting up a website yourself isn’t a simple one-click wonder.

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How to Broaden Your Digital Marketing Content Offering

It’s been 25 years since Bill Gates gifted digital marketers their catch-phrase crack with his declaration that ‘content is king’. Little did Mr Gates know that he was making an incredible foresight into the future of B2C interaction. Content marketing is now one of the most effective tools to grow brand awareness, acquire new customers,

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Is Email Marketing Still Relevant?

Email marketing. It’s one of those digital buzzwords that’s been tossed about since the dawn of the desktop. Today, it’s basically a force of habit for many digital markers – pinging a glitzy sales pitch out to a ten-thousand strong database of potential clients. But do mass marketed emails still have a place in a

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SEO Secrets – Unique Tips to Ramp Up Your SEO

It’s no secret that it takes a small army of techniques to finesse the art of SEO. Google uses over 200 ranking factors in its algorithm, but it’s a little cagey when it comes to revealing them. We at Wordly have spent years in the depths of the deep web – coding, copywriting and optimising

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The Top 8 Digital Marketing Apps You Need in Your Arsenal

Ever caught yourself in the midst of a tedious task, desperately wishing you could fast-track it with the click of a button? Well, you probably can. Technology is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to the digital marketing world, and boy has it come through with the goods this time around. It’s

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How To Set SMART Digital Marketing Goals?

If we had a dollar for every time we heard the term ‘SMART goals’ flung about by an marketing strategist… we’d have enough money to trademark the bugger. In case you’ve had a bit of a brain fade, SMART is an acronym for goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely. Which is a

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A Beginner’s Guide to Keyword Research: Analysing Keywords

The backbone to a sensational SEO strategy is strong keyword research. And while research might be the last thing to get your blood pumping, you’ll be thanking yourself when Google repays you mightily. Last week we explored how to kick off the keyword hunt. This week, we’re going to analyse these keywords to determine the

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