Wordly takes care of the details
It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen. While mistakes dilute professionalism.
With our eagle eye approach to editing and proofreading, our team act as an objective editor to provide unbiased feedback on your copy and content.
Polished, professional and error-free is just the beginning. Worldly’s team will make your copy logical, concise, easy-to-read and clean up any jargon or repetition. We’ll check for clarity, style, tone, readability, logical flow, structure and errors.
When written material is compiled from multiple sources, we bring together the parts into a coherent, consistent whole. Removing excess words, repetition, overwriting and superfluous material.
From website content, business plans, marketing and advertising material, and media releases to award submissions, academic manuscripts, thesis and essays— if it’s written, we can edit and proofread it.
Want to make sure you’ve dotted the Is and crossed the Ts?
Send your work to the Wordly team and we’ll make it the best it can be.

Want to make sure you’ve dotted the Is and crossed the Ts?
It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen. That’s Wordly’s belief when it comes to editing and proofreading. With our eagle eye approach to editing and proofreading, Wordly can act as an objective editor to provide unbiased feedback. Oftentimes, written material compiled in-house comes from multiple sources. We can edit the many parts to create one coherent, consistent whole. With a fresh pair of eyes, we can also edit material you may have spent a long time compiling, removing excess words, repetition, overwriting and superfluous material.
Here at Wordly, we provide editing and proofreading for any and all business communications, including website content, business plans, marketing and advertising material, media releases and anything else you might need. We also offer our services to the academic industry and can lend a hand in manuscript, thesis and essay editing, proofreading and polishing.
Editing is all about making your copy the best it can be. Wordly will focus on making your copy logical, concise, clear, easy-to-read and jargon and repetition free. We’ll check for clarity, style, tone, readability, logical flow, structure, errors and inconsistencies.
Proofreading is the very last phase of the writing process. It’s where we check everything. Twice. Mistakes, no matter how big or small, dilute professionalism instantly. Wordly will check your copy for typos, spelling mistakes, sentence structure and correct use of punctuation and grammar.